Objective: To assess the availability and utilization of antenatal care (ANC) services for pregnant women at primary healthcare (PHC) facilities in an urban area of Pakistan
Materials and Methods: It was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in Peshawar from November 2019 to April 2020. Data was collected from six PHC facilities with a sample size of 249 pregnant females selected through a convenient non-probability sampling technique. Data were recorded on a structured questionnaire having a closed-ended question and was analyzed using SPSS-23.
Results: The equipment required for antenatal checkups i.e BP apparatus, weighing machine, tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccination was available in 6/6 PHCs, urine strips in 4/6, Hemoglobin meter in 3/6, supply of basic medicines, and ultrasound facility in 5/6 PHC facilities.
Weight of 35.7% of pregnant ladies while the BP of 77.1% of pregnant females were checked. Folic acid supplements were prescribed to 74.7% of the pregnant ladies in the 1st trimester, out of which only 64.3% took them regularly. Vitamin D and calcium supplements were prescribed to 46.6% of the cases in the 2nd trimester out of which only 43% took them regularly. TT vaccination was received by 80.3% of the cases. Blood Sugar levels of 33.3% of the cases and blood Hb levels of 52.2% were checked. Anemia was assessed in 48.2% of the cases. 43.4% of anemic cases were treated. Ultrasound was prescribed to 54.7% of the cases. Eighty-one percent of the pregnant women were enrolled and visited PHCs regularly while 89.2% of the pregnant ladies confirmed the availability of doctors. Eighty-three percent of the cases were satisfied by the ANC services of PHC facilities.
Conclusion: The essential equipment for the provision of ANC services was available in almost all the six PHC facilities of Peshawar. Antenatal care services being provided to pregnant women in PHC facilities of Peshawar were found satisfactory. More than 80% of pregnant women are satisfied with the ANC services they receive.
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